Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Time out for safety

I set safety rules for myself, the big one is that I get a timeout after 2 stupid decisions. I figure 2 because if I let myself get to a third I'll get seriously hurt or killed. As I write this I'm in timeout...
I'd pulled the carb off the '70 Ski-Doo because its bogging really bad. I should have redone it last year but we didn't have much snow and I thought maybe if I put some Seafoam in and rode it hard it'd get better. I did that a couple weeks ago and it did get better but now its worse again.
So I got to spraying it down with carb cleaner and remembered I ought to move outside and put on rubber gloves, carb cleaner BURNS like heck when it gets in any little cut. So I did that and started spraying again when it occured to me I ought to have safety glasses on, well the very next squirt splashed back and I got a good hit of it in my left eye, gawd don't that burn!
I knew I'd hit my mark for stupidity so I put everything back in the garage and came inside. Washed my eye out good, it seems okay, doesn't hardly hurt now but I know it was probably a close thing. I'll hangout in here for an hour or two, maybe have a nap and go back to work refreshed.


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